Gameheads Classic

The goal of the CLASSIC program is to prepare students for the video game industry.  Once accepted, a classic student stays in the program until they age out or transition into the tech/video game industry.  Classic students get access to industry events, mentors, free classes, hardware/software, educational support, personal counseling, access to internships, paid opportunities and more.

Now accepting Applications for Gameheads Classic!

Program Pipeline

Core Program: Gameheads Classic

Video Game Design

Our core program is designed to teach students how to design and develop video games. Gameheads students (15-25) make bold, new interactive content pieces that are researched, designed, and executed by them and their peers. Teaching areas include:
• Game theory and History
• Diversity of expression in tech and interactive entertainment.
• Design thinking and Critical Ethnography
• Project management
• Art Design, Game Design and Level Design
• Software development and programming fundamentals
• Coding (Unity, HTML/CSS, JavaScript)
• Animation

Exhibits, Showcases & Competitions

Every year, our students pitch, present and submit their projects to fellowships, competitions and prizes including Day of the Devs, The Mix, OakGameFest, The Gameheads Showcase and more.

I really hope that in five years the students I have right now are able to go to college. That's a goal I have is to make sure they can go to college.

– Gideon Devendra, Hawaii Program Coordinator

Education Counseling

A premiere goal at our organization is to ensure that all of our students graduate from high school and attend post-secondary education, preferably four-year universities to further their skills in STEAM education. Therefore, Gameheads offers one on one college and career counseling.

Industry Exposure

We take trips to some of the world’s biggest tech companies and events, including Double Fine, Unity, Autodesk, and events such as MagWest and the Game Developers Conference. Also, we have hosted numerous industry professionals from Sony Interactive Entertainment, Ubisoft, 2k Games Sledgehammer Games amongst many others to teach tech clinics, play test our student’s games or just hang out.

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